Global Campaign to Reorder the Virtual Labor Market

A calling for:

  • Companies providing job seeking platforms.
  • Organizations with their own platforms (Public Sector, Private Sector).
  • International Labor Organization.
  • Local Leaders, and International Leaders in the field.

This campaign was created by Nicolas Sourivongxay to respond to the necessity of unemployed people who spend too much time filling forms to apply for a job in many different platforms. Those platforms such as companies and other type of organization own platforms, and finding job platforms, are taking time to unemployees people in the process of seeking for opportunities. 

It's not only a matter of time, it is also about the cost of being an unemployee.

  • Some platforms also ask for money in order to have a relevant profile in their pages. 
  • Some people who don't have a computer with internet, go to a Cyber Coffee Store where they rent a machine to prepare resumes and to send them to different organizations by internet. And sometimes they have to print their resumes for job interviews.
  • Unemployees have to invest in clothes such as shirts, ties, shoes, suits to look in an appropiate way for job interviews.
  • The cost of transportation to attend to job interviews in different locations.

There are many job platforms on the internet that you have to fill NEW empty boxes or gaps again and again. 

Looking for a job, should not be a job for seekers. In addition, Human Resources Department should fill their own forms by using the information the seeker provided to them. Why is an unemployee working for free for them? It's the HR's job, that's not the job of unemployees.  Data base is important but unemployees should not work for free before getting hired. 

Nowadays the economy moves so fast and unemployees have to be so fast in filling new forms or in updating their resumes. You have to up to date your resume in every job seeking platform, so there is no compassion and mercy for future employees.


  • On LinkedIn there is an option to use 'EASY APPLY' , so the information already filled in that social platform, with the Curriculum Vitae in word or PDF the seeker uploads with more personal information is sent to different Human Resources Departments. It's a useful tool that benefits future workers in terms of time and cost. The question is, why is this still optional? 
  • On LinkedIn some organizations don't use 'EAST APPLY', so when you want to apply, it directs to a new link that is a new website so you have to fill a new form. That new website maybe belongs to organizations from public sector or private sector, or it is just another job seeking platform. To create an oligopoly in which two or three companies dominate the market should be an advantage for future employees, so they have just to fill two or three forms, and to update them. 
  • Maybe one platform for public sector, and one platform for private sector.
  • Going to the limits, a monopoly would be exaggerating the best option.
  • Control of the Academic graduates in Human Resources at universities and at other institutions. 
  • Organizations accepting showing their emails, allowing candidates to send resumes by using those emails. 


If LinkedIn is not so restrictive in this topic, if the whole market doesn't respond correctly, It's necessary the intervention of the government of every country to regulate the quantity of job seeking plarforms in each local market, after that thinking globally, with the participation of the International Labor Organization or United Nations. 

Nicolas Sourivongxay

January 23th, 2021




